Interior and Electrical Details

The wiring harness, fuel and brake lines run through the cockpit along the right side chassis rail rather than underneath. No doubt this was done to protect these from stone damage. The foot pedals are modified with a larger accelerator pedal, and in the case of #43, a larger brake pedal too. All of the pedals are drilled and cross hatched to improve grip. The alloy transmission tunnel has had a footrest (or dead pedal) added. The second photo looks up from under the cowl vent, where the cold air box ( third photo ) had been mounted. Some of the original green paint remains.

The electrical system has had many modifications beginning with Lucas 'LeMans 24 Heure' headlamps. The 1600 style directional lamps are the home market clear / amber type. The two driving lights are Lucas WFT 576 lamps that mount from the rear. Under the hood, twin coils were mounted on the right hand inner fender well. An RB310 voltage regulator is mounted on the bulkhead ( an RB340 replacement is seen in the photo ) and a two speed wiper motor was used. This photo also shows the alloy toeboard panel just below the shelf of the bulkhead. Notice that unlike the standard steel panel there is no provision for a LHD steering column to pass through. The horizontal cut is exactly the same on the #44 car, it makes removing and replacing a transmission or clutch without removing the engine fairly easy. A Bugeye ( Frogeye ) Sprite remote starter solenoid is mounted on the right side of the bulkhead and protrudes through a hole so that the it can be engaged by reaching up under the instrument panel and pressing the button should the panel mounted button fail. The wiring harness is a mixture of plastic coated and cloth wrapped wires. On the crossbrace for the hood latch there is a gang connector ( the same type is used on E type Jaguars ) for the driving light wiring. There is also a Lucas Altette horn mounted here that was standard on Bedford trucks. A 1600 beehive style directional lamp is mounted in the center of the roof with an amber lens.  Four more of these lamps are mounted on the rear in the hole for the rear bumper bracket and a second hole drilled alongside it.  The sticker is from a used car dealer in Orlando who sold the car in 1968. The two outer lamps are twin filament and had red lenses, the inner lamps were single filament and had amber lenses. In the boot there are twin SU square bodied fuel pumps run in series

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